XLS to LIVES schema CSV

This workflow reads from 2 excel files in order to transform the data into a single a CSV file that is compliant to the LIVES Standard.1

It uses the following transformations:


Follow these steps to get the example workflow working.

  1. Download the workflow and associated files using the Download link above and open it from Spoon. NOTE: You may have to right-click > Save Link As… to get it to download.
  2. Update the Paths to the Raw Inspection and Violation files so they point to the correct directory.2
  3. Update the path for the Text file output.
  4. Run the workflow and ensure that the file transformed_data.csv was created in the directory with current timestamp.


  1. The target schema is the flattened LIVES standard based on the original LIVES Standard for health inspection data. 

  2. Be sure to add the new path after browsing to the file to ensure the workflow reads correct path.